Welcome friend! 👋

My previous post was the first time I disclosed my experience through miscarriage publicly, let alone in agonizing detail (other than to my amazing therapist). It’s fair to say that some mental health care was in order.

But lucky for you, I’m back with more tea! I want to touch on a lighter topic this week.

Although fertility is the major focus of this blog, it does not define me. It is not the sole purpose of my being, even though some days it feels like it.

So this week, I want to share my journey in going… (sing it with me!)

I’m Going to College! (Again)

Put a finger down if you enrolled in community college straight out of high school to make your parents proud but dropped out two years in because you got a half-decent job and felt extremely unmotivated in school.

*Puts finger down*

(It’s not just me, right? RIGHT?!?)

The combination of going to college on someone else’s terms and feeling rushed into deciding what I would do “for the rest of my life” was too much pressure. 

Not to mention a recipe for failure.

Shortly after, (of course) my parents found out I stopped attending school. They were disappointed for obvious reasons, but they knew there was no point in forcing me to enroll again if I didn’t want to.

(Besides, I was an adult. 💅 Leave me alone MOM.)

For several years, I went to work every day at my 9-5 and didn’t think I’d ever go back to school. To my surprise, that changed as I got older.

I often dreamt that I was back in high school, but I didn’t know my way around the school or I couldn’t find my classes. At the time, I thought it was because I was considering going back to college. Turns out, it was a sign from my subconscious pushing me towards making that decision.

With Jason’s encouragement, I finally said fuck it! Next thing I knew, I was a college student all over again in 2020.

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be…

I’ve worked in health care my entire adult life. 

But not in a cool “I help save lives” type of way. More like an “I can schedule appointments and yell at your insurance company when they try not to pay” kind of way.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad job to have by any means!

At the time, I went from working at a dental office for five years to an optometrist’s office. Knowing what I knew then, the most logical thing to do was get a degree in business management.

Spoiler alert, that wasn’t what I really wanted to do. 🫢

Unlike the first time around, I was strictly taking online courses (shoutout to COVID). Although I was far more focused than the first time around, I just wasn’t feeling that path for myself.

Jason knew how much I enjoyed writing, and he was the one who suggested I change my degree to something that would motivate me. So, I took his advice! 

(Maybe Jason should be a life coach by trade?)

I talked to an advisor and hoped I hadn’t wasted time and money on a degree I didn’t give two 💩 about. Luckily, the few courses I had taken would count as credits required to get my… (drumroll please) 🥁 


Please don’t laugh at me, but it’s been four years now since I decided to go back to school, and I’m still working on it.

Let me (over?)explain. From day one, I told myself I would be damned if I took out a student loan. I’m not sure when you last paid for a college degree out of pocket, but it sure as hell ain’t cheap.

Working full-time doesn’t give me a whole lot of time or energy to take several classes at a time. On top of that, I’ll briefly remind you that this is all happening while we’re trying to have a baby.

Call me crazy, but I am not giving up! Mama didn’t raise no bitch. 💁🏻‍♀️ 

She’s an Edumacated Writer

(Yes, I know that statement is grammatically incorrect. I’m an English major.)

I have to admit, going to school because you want to and following your true passion is soo satisfying.

The closer I get to finally getting my degree, even if it is only an associate’s degree, the more excited I get.

There’s always so much more to learn, and so many ways to better oneself, but what matters is that you’re doing what makes your heart happy. That’s why I’ve decided to put my love of writing to good use.

As I mentioned in my first post, I started writing about this journey to parenthood as an outlet for my feelings. With the encouragement and support of close friends and family, I decided to share not only my story but also my writing.

And I have my loyal readers to thank. You keep me going! 💞

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2 thoughts on “Back to School”

  1. THIS is inspirational!! It’s awesome you took the time to realize what you really WANTED to do and it’s ok if that changes over time. Stay challenged and keep evolving.

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